Thursday, April 12, 2007

Interesting coding link

Fluid video

I put an animation in the CAD folder which shows a fluid called ferrafluid(spelling?). The fluid is somehow magnetically charged and almost changes states from fluid to solid. Very interesting material.
A grad project at Yale used this fluid for experimentation.

Friday, April 6, 2007
This is a link to a circuit board that can possibly provide the link between programming/computation strategies and the real world interaction. I have also heard of a board that can be programmed through Flash.
Its random, but I learned of these things while talking to man on the chinatown bus back from NY. He is a scultpure that is diving into interactive installations as well as scripting. Very interesting. He also has a studio down at the Mills. Could be an interesting connection?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Scripting in General

I just had a general question about scritping language. It seems to me, especially after having had some experience with Rhinoscript, that there is a disparity between different modeling software programs and the types of syntax they use. My question is why can't they all use the same language so that you can cross over to different programs and feel confident that you know what you are doing? Is it because the different programs need to compete with one another so they make their own language that they think is the best for the user or is it because they are just stubborn and don't want a standard language for all programs? I'm sure that given some time I would get used to Rhinoscript, but right now, it just strikes me as to much work for something that could be easily done in Maxscript.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I figured I would post the script I have been working on so that everyone can benefit. Maybe someone could break it down and take it further, or create something more interesting.

Option Explicit
Sub Main
Dim arrObjects, strObject, arrPoints, arrPoint, strPoint
Dim strFileName, strFilter, objFSO, objStream
Dim strPreX, strPreY, strPreZ
Dim strPostX, strPostY, strPostZ
Dim strDelimiter
' User-definable prefixes
strPreX = ""
strPreY = ""
strPreZ = ""
' User-definable postfixes
strPostX = ""
strPostY = ""
strPostZ = ""
' User-definable delimiter(s)
strDelimiter = ","
' User-definable file filters
strFilter = "Excel File (*.xls)*.xlsAll Files (*.*)*.*"
' Get the points to export
Dim strObj : strObj = Rhino.GetObject("Select a curve")
If Rhino.IsCurve(strObj) Then

Dim x : x = 600 arrPoints = Rhino.DivideCurve (strObj, x, vbTrue)
For Each arrPoint In arrPoints
Dim arrPT : arrPT = Rhino.AddPoint (arrPoint)

arrObjects = Rhino.ObjectsByType (1 , vbTrue)
' Get the filename to create
strFileName = Rhino.SaveFileName("Save Point Coordinates As", strFilter)
If IsNull(strFileName) Then Exit Sub
' Get the file system object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
' Get a new text file
Set objStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFileName, True)
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
For Each strObject In arrObjects
Dim k

k = k + 1
Dim arrPTcord : arrPTcord = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strObject)
Dim dblParam : dblParam = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(strObj, arrPTcord)
Dim arrData : arrData = Rhino.CurveCurvature (strObj, dblParam)

strPoint = CStr(arrData(3))
' Write the coordinate to the file
End If

End Sub



Monday, March 26, 2007

Smart Geometry

As discussed in class today here is a link to Smart Geometry. I found they have posted a number of the presentations online in video with slide shows to go with the speakers. You will have to create a log-in user name on Bentley's website. Also Jane do you know which presentation had the project based on the pine cone?


Thursday, March 15, 2007


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manipulate this script in order to make the pyramids vary in size? They currently vary slightly as the script progresses by using the "i" variable, but it doesn't seem to be creating much differentiation.

p = pyramid width:30 depth:0 height:20 widthsegs:2 depthsegs:2 heightsegs:2
convertToMesh p
for i = 1 to 20 do

animate on
at time (i * 5)
j = instance p pos: [0,i*10,0]
rotAngle = angleAxis (i*25) [0,1,0]
rotate j rotAngle scale j [i/5,i,i/5]
for i = 1 to getNumVerts j-8 do
b = pyramid width:i height:i depth:1
rotAngle = angleAxis (i*50) [0,1,0]
rotate b rotAngle
vert = getVert j i
b.pos = vert )
delete j
delete p


Monday, March 5, 2007

Another thought

Does anyone know Max msp? I heard that it is a program that can allow user interaction with sensors and physical buttons etc. It seems like a mod engine, similar to flash, but works with Max.


Computational fashion design?
I thought some of you might be interested in this link
It has webcasts for a lot of lectures on some pretty intersting topics.

Over the weekend and the time that was spent experimenting on the Max script I started to realize how much more I learned from the collaborative experimenation. I think that I really learned more about Max script and the process/syntax in only a few short hours compared to all of the other tutorials. This led me to think that we could do more collaborative, open ended, experiments in class, hopefully increasing the productivity on the scripts. I also wasn't in class on Monday, due to a design site visit, so I am not sure how the rest of the experiments went, but I would guess that other people experienced a similar result. Does anyone else have thoughts on which ways they think would help enhance their ability to learn scripting?

Monday, February 26, 2007


I don't know if anyone has already visited the site already but here is the link for the pages I said I would post. (Dreamlines: generative drawing machine ) (Processing Home Page) (For Some Samples Of Casey Reas' Work 2001-2004) (Reas' Website includes work and up.coming events/shows) (Abstraction_Now "a seminal exhibition on abstraction in contemporary art, cutting across genres and media but featuring media art and generative works in a prominent position. " (Link To Yugop's "Black Ribbon")


Sunday, February 25, 2007

I just finished the reading this week on fields and I thought that it was interesting to hear Stan Allen of the first reading, say that the computer gives a great hope for the future of design, yet a nagging scepticism and anxiety at the same time. He says that even though we are working towards making almost everything we do on the computer, completely realistic, we are still creating abstraction because of the 'bits' of information that make up renderings and CAD drawings. So, in other words, is the designer's sketchpad in the 21st century being replaced by the computer? Also, this reading made me appreciate the computer, as Allen says, "as not just another tool, but a tool with capabilities and restraints". I just wonder if he thinks all design must be based around the computer.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Skylar: Cellular Automata

After listening to Nyesha presentation I looked some more at the site and found the cellular automata investigations very interesting. I find the cellular automata to have close ties with networking and any design focusing on the interconnection of entities, specifically urban design.

I also wanted to post a few websites: This website has an entire scripting library that you can download an interesting firm's website a flocking simulator, relating back to emergence and the aa blog,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The conversation we had on Monday was intriguing for many reasons mostly because of the topic of where technology is taking us in the near future. the first thing i want to comment on is the idea of factories being able to run themselves with little if any human intervention, after of course the initial construction. the example of the Volkswagen factory was a little frightening but more then anything it was an impressive display of our most current technology in action. I think the reading "Rich Get Richer" also brought up some interesting points that could easily be connected with scripting. namely the relationship or networking idea compared to the way script is written, working as a whole with every line essential to the overall. Through the semester thus far i have viewed scripting from a more skeptical viewpoint but with each discussion I have to admit that i am slowly coming around to the idea of how useful of a tool it could be when designing.


Monday, February 19, 2007

"Smart Architecture"

Today's discussion was very interesting and I enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts. When we spoke of possibility of smart architecture using networking as a sort of organizational process I began to think that we may be closer to obtaining this then it appears.

Jane spoke of being able to design from a TRUE reading of the environment. We spoke of a reading involving a higher level of knowledge of the physical environment that can be coded and not one merely responding to assumptions. We also spoke of the possibility of chips that could be put into humans in order to track their movements. The implant may sound a bit extreme but today various social and environmental forces are already heading toward a realm of tracking movement. Today we have GPS vehicle locators, child locators linked to GPS satellites and now Boost Mobile has that new phone (Boost Loopt) with a GPS locator. (They are now known as having the first social mapping service.) This is only the beginning. It is also currently possible to track consumers through things we buy and or sites we visit. A small example is when I buy something off of they give me a list of other things I may be interested in every time I log back on. 90% of the time I’m very interested in buying whatever they 'found for me'. Wal-Mart already takes advantage of this tracking system with a barcode system they refer to as "smart shelves".

Do you think that scripting such information will ultimately lead to an ability to create a smart architecture?

If so do you think we have the ability to network such information into a well organized, obtainable system to those interested in using it (such as future designers)?

I found a book that may be of interest to some [Smart Architecture, by Ed van Hinte, Marc Neelen, Jacques Vink, and Piet Vollaard.] I haven't got a chance to pick it up yet but it speaks of "future dynamics, cycles and systems, and efficient building".


BIM & Scripting

Check out ...


I've been researching BIM (GC, Revit, ArchiCAD) and have found a lot of information about what it is and how it might benefit the workflow of architects, in relation to modeling and documentation, but nothing much in relation to scripting. Does anyone know a few good sites that relate BIM to scripting?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Go to , it has tutorials for tons of programs.


Diller and Scofidio

Here is a link to a video of a lecture that Elizabeth Diller gave It's a little long but cool. She explains some of the firms projects. You can get aquainted with their work a little bit before the presentation.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MAXScript tutorials

Does anyone know of or have any MAXScript tutorials? I am considering working in either Max or Maya and looking for some tutorials for either program so I can see how each works towards what I am trying to accomplish (which right now is only a vague idea). Any links to sites would be helpful. I am not looking so much for scripts, but actually tutorials so I can see what the capabilities of each program are.


Monday, February 12, 2007


I put a movie of birds flocking, from AUR in Rome, in the lightning folder. It may sound arbitrary until you watch it. I have never seen birds flock like this, it is incredible. They appear to act as an amorphic surface unjulating in the air. It definetely demonstrates an emergent system.

Also, some links.... A very interesting site with scripted artwork visual representations of music through scripting an interesting article on emergence and self organizing architecture.
Hey guys, here's the link for John Maeda's media website. Sorry it's so late.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

youtube links

I found these to be interesting videos, as i spend entirely too much time on youtube.
-Young Architects on living architecture. A short video interview about a few research projects they have been working on.
-Interactive Architecture. Part of the digital graffiti lab that has worked at

Let me know what you all think of the first one, they have taken a pretty unique approach to their methodology in architecture early on in their careers which is far from the norm.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Glass Engine

One more thing you might want to explore..

Philip Glass, one of Brian Eno's influence, has an interesting website called the Glass Engine where a large amount of his work is available for listening. It's a Java application that does actually work on the school computers, so check it out:


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Greg Wilson

I have placed some Brian Eno-produced songs on our class's Lightning folder. If you get a chance, have a listen to them prior to class on Friday. Cheers!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Skylar: Rhino_scripting

The following is a link to Rhino scripting tutorials that I have found really helpful.

I also wanted to post the link to Marc Fornes' website

Other links... ..... This link is for Real Time Rome a project from MIT that looked at charting cell phones throughout the city of Rome.

As for the reading... I thought the reading was particularly interesting, specifically because it broke down design strategies into the representations of the tools available. I think it is quite interesting to look at the results of injected technology in the field of architecture.

Re-learning Geometry

JC-Based on last class, I believe we could all use a bit of a geometry refresher:
check it out, wolfram is quite helpful!


after Skylar's presentation I thought I would post a few websites that are on the topic of scripting to help further the introduction of scripting in architecture:

-the last link is a page of links related to various architects/studios/research that are involved with scripting. this is just a start to become more familiarized with the topic, some of the links above I really find the work interesting (material systems & plasma studio) others I do not.


I thought that the first reading was very informative. It made me think about what kind of thinker I am when it comes to design. I'm probably more of a line and volumetric designer because we've been trained to present our material in technical drawing format as well as renderings. What kind of designers do you guys think you are?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A624: Blog set up

JC: This is a blog space for A624: experiemental modeling. All students will have access to post information pertaining to our class. 50% of your grade is based on in-class participation, to encourage collective learning. You can fulfill part of the requirement by contributing what you learn out side of class to this blog spot, for all to share-in and learn. When you post something, put you initials at the begining of the post, so we know who you are... and pick a unique, readable color for your posts.